Frequently Asked Questions
ATHLETIC CLEARANCE: Your Athletic Clearance MUST be completed and turned in to the school office at least 1 week prior to the start of Summer Camp! This is a school district requirement. The Athletic Clearance requires a doctor's physical to be turned in to the school office along with the other paperwork you printed out from the TroyHigh.com Athletic Clearance section. There are a lot of conditioning exercises during Summer Camp. Your daughter will NOT be able to participate in the Camp until she has been cleared by the office. The coach will have a daily printout of who has been cleared or not. Please click here to be taken to the Troy Athletic Clearance section, where it will explain the process of completing your Athletic Clearance. TROY VOLLEYBALL BOOSTER MEMBERS AND/OR COACHES WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT YOUR CLEARANCE PAPERWORK AT CAMP. EVER. THIS IS A SCHOOL REQUIREMENT AND MUST BE TURNED IN TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO CAMP ATTENDANCE.
What is the Summer Camp Donation for?
All public school sports are self-funded, and Troy's Women's Volleyball program is no different. Your donation covers three weeks of camp with current High School + Club volleyball coaches, a Camp T-Shirt, and any supplies needed to run the camp. The Summer Camp donation is set by the Head Coach and is non-refundable.
Summer Camp donations are not refundable.
What are the coaches looking for in a volleyball player?
Five main things - Coach-ability, Good-Attitude, Skill, Athleticism, and Dedication.
Do I have to play Club Volleyball to be selected for a team?
Our coaches do not select players based on Club experience alone. That being said, players who do have Club experience are generally more versed in how the game of volleyball is played because they have been instructed for a much longer period of time--December through June--whereas the High School volleyball season (including pre-season) only runs August through November.
If I make a team, do I have to keep trying out for the following seasons that I am attending Troy?
YES. Making a team one year does not mean that you will automatically make a team the following years. Every player must try out every year. A position on a team is not guaranteed.
TIME COMMITMENT: Volleyball is a team sport. There is a time commitment. You and your daughter are agreeing to this time commitment by trying out for a team. Please try out for a team responsibly.
Our Teams: Our volleyball family consists of 3 teams: Varsity + Jr. Varsity + Frosh/Soph--and a tremendous amount of parent support! The typical size of the teams vary between 12-14 for JV and Frosh/Soph and up to 17 for Varsity, Teams could be larger or smaller, but are usually not more than 45 girls in total. Please note that because we are competitive teams, and skill level varies by player, some players may receive more playing time than others during the volleyball season.
Practices: Once teams are made, practices are held Monday-Friday. Practice times are set by the Head Varsity Coach, and will be your daughter's 6th period. Always check with your student-athlete for more information about practices, games, and events.
Playing Time: Your playing time depends on whether or not you show up to practice--physically as well as mentally.
Games and Tournaments: All of our teams participate in up to 12 Tournaments and/or pre-season Matches, PLUS 10 Freeway League games; 5 Away Games (bus), 5 Home Games. Unless otherwise stated by the Head Coach, all teams are expected to stay to watch and cheer for their sister teams during games. Doing homework in the stands is understandable and acceptable.
COST: Without your player donations, we would not have a volleyball program--plain and simple. Your donations help pay for our tournament fees, equipment, uniforms, and other necessities the 3 teams may require during the season.
--The player donation for this Season is $375 for FS/JV and $475 for Varsity. Your donation or sponsorship is appreciated by the 2nd Parent Meeting. We accept Cash, Check and Credit Card.
-If your daughter makes a team, there is a mandatory 1st Parent/Player meeting, usually the day after tryouts.
-2nd Parent Meeting is also mandatory. This comes approximately 2 weeks after the 1st parent meeting. 2nd Parent Meeting is where you will turn in your forms and donations.
ARE PARENTS REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE? We are a 3-team family, which means we need all the parent help we can get. We have several different committees that can accommodate different time-commitment needs. Family is important. We strongly encourage you to share in the Troy Volleyball experience with your daughter as much as possible.
Player Donations are not refundable.
We do have a fundraising opportunity to help offset your individual donation amount! For many parents, our Media Guide Fundraiser has paid for their entire donation, while local businesses get to be featured on our website and in our yearbook-styled Media Guide. Win-Win!
Jerseys: Jerseys are expensive. Because we are a self-funded program, your daughters (in F/S + JV) do not keep their jerseys at the end of season, however, they do keep the rest of the gear that we provide them. Varsity may keep 1 jersey, but this varies by season.
Coach Expectations:
Full participation and responsibility from players, including attendance in practices, games, and scheduled team events.
Bi-weekly grade checks to guarantee success in school, with repercussions for poor grades.
Fundraising (very minimal)
Support from parents.
Questions about playing time:
Coaches strongly encourage communication between the player and coach, since it is the player who is a part of the team.
Encourage your athlete to talk to their coach.
Coaches will not speak with parents about playing time until the player has spoken with the coach, and 24 hours after previous game/tournament.
The parent may address the coach about playing time ONLY after the player has previously spoken to the coach, and the player must be present during the parent/coach meeting.
What if my athlete is sick or has to miss practice?
It is the ATHLETE'S responsibility to contact the coach. A note is also needed from the parent.
If it is 24 hours in advance, you may email the head coach AND your coach. If it is an emergency before practice, please contact your coach AND tell a teammate to also tell the coach.
Missing practices and games may result in a loss of playing time and/or removal from the team.